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Lost in the Sauce: March 22 - 28

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
Figuring out how to divide the COVID-19 content from the “regular” news has been difficult because the pandemic is influencing all aspects of life. Some of the stories below involve the virus, but I chose to include them when it fits into one of the pre-established categories (like congress or immigration). The coronavirus-central post will be made again this Thursday-Friday; the sign up form now has an option to choose to receive an email when the coronavirus-focused roundup is posted.
  1. How to support: If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a patron. I do this to keep track and will never hide behind a paywall, but these projects take a lot of time and effort to create. Even a couple of dollars a month helps. Since someone asked a few weeks ago (thank you!), here's a PayPal option and Venmo.
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Let’s dig in!


Congress passes stimulus

Last week started out with a Republican-crafted stimulus bill that was twice-blocked by Senate Democrats, who objected to the lax conditions of aid to corporations, too little funding for hospitals, and a $500 billion “slush fund” for big companies to be doled out by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin with no oversight.
Conservative-Democrat Joe Manchin (WV) even criticized the GOP bill:
“It fails our first responders, nurses, private physicians and all healthcare professionals. ... It fails our workers. It fails our small businesses… Instead, it is focused on providing billions of dollars to Wall Street and misses the mark on helping the West Virginians that have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.”
Through negotiations, Democrats shifted the bill in a more-worker friendly direction. The version that passed includes the following Democrat-added provisions: expanded unemployment benefits, $100 billion for hospitals, $150 billion for state and local governments, direct payments to Americans without a phase-in (ensuring low-income workers get the full amount), a ban on Trump and his children from receiving aid, and oversight on the “slush fund” (see next section for more info). Senate Democrats also managed to remove a provision that would have excluded nonprofits that receive Medicaid funding from the small-business grants.
Echoing sentiments expressed during debate on the previous coronavirus bill (the second, for those keeping track), Republican senators derided the $600 a week increase in unemployment payments as “incentivizing” workers to quit their jobs. Sens. Ben Sasse (Neb.), Rick Scott (Fla.), Tim Scott (S.C.) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) delayed passage of the bill in order to force a vote on an amendment removing the extra unemployment funding. "This bill pays you more not to work than if you were working," Graham said. Fortunately for American workers, the amendment failed and the improved bill passed the Senate and the House.

The giveaways in the bill

While Senate Democrats were able to add worker-friendly provisions, the bill still required bipartisan support to pass the chamber and some corporate giveaways remained in the final version.

Trump’s signing statement

While signing the latest coronavirus relief bill, the president also issued a signing statement undercutting the congressional oversight provision creating an inspector general to track how the administration distributes the $500 billion “slush fund” money.
The newly-created inspector general is legally required to audit loans and investments made through the fund and report to Congress his/her findings, including any refusal by the executive office to cooperate. In his signing statement, Trump wrote that his understanding of constitutional powers allows him to gag the special IG:
"I do not understand, and my Administration will not treat, this provision as permitting the [inspector general] to issue reports to the Congress without the presidential supervision required" by Article II of the Constitution.
The signing statement further suggests that Trump does not have to comply with a provision requiring that agencies consult with Congress before it spends or reallocates certain funds: "These provisions are impermissible forms of congressional aggrandizement with respect to the execution of the laws," the statement reads.
While some have said that Congress fell short in this instance, one Democratic Senate aide told Politico that Congress built in multiple layers of oversight, including “a review of other inspectors general and a congressional review committee charged with overseeing Treasury and the Federal Reserve's efforts to implement the law.”
Legal experts have pointed out that a signing statement is “without legal effect.” But that ignores the fact that oversight is not equal to enforcement. The problem, in my opinion, isn’t that Congress won’t be notified of any abuses of power by Trump. The problem is that congressional Republicans and the judiciary have largely failed to hold him accountable and enforce our laws even after learning of his abuses.

Concerns about the IG

Another potential weakness in the oversight structure is the inspector general position itself. The special inspector general for pandemic recovery, known by the acronym S.I.G.P.R., is nominated by the president and confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate. As we’ve seen from Trump’s previous nominees, particularly judicial, many unqualified individuals have been confirmed. The Democrats will not have the power to stop the president and Mitch McConnell from jamming through a loyalist to fill the SIGPR role.
Former inspector general at the Justice Department Michael Bromwich: “The signing statement threatens to undermine the authority and independence of this new IG. The Senate should extract a commitment from the nominee that Congress will be promptly notified of any Presidential/Administration interference or obstruction.”
You may recall that Trump has already proven that he’s willing to interfere with the legally-mandated work of an inspector general. When the Ukraine whistleblower filed a complaint last year, the IG of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson, investigated and determined the complaint to be “urgent” and “credible.” Atkinson wrote a report and gave it to Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire to hand over to Congress. However, the White House and DOJ interfered and instructed Maguire not to transmit the report to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees. Chairman Adam Schiff had to subpoena Maguire to turn over the report and testify before his committee.
Further, there are already five IG vacancies in agencies that have a critical role in responding to the pandemic. The Treasury itself has not had a permanent, Senate-confirmed IG for over eight months now, and Trump hasn’t nominated a replacement. The Treasury Dept. has taken a lead role in the coronavirus response, with Secretary Mnuchin handling most of the negotiating with Congress on Trump’s behalf. The fact that the lead agency doesn’t have IG oversight should be troublesome in itself; replicating the situation with a special IG doesn’t seem to be a promising solution.
UPDATE: The nation's inspectors general have appointed Glenn Fine, the Pentagon's acting IG, to lead the committee of IGs overseeing the coronavirus relief effort.
This is one of several oversight mechanisms built into the new law. They include:
A committee of IGs (now led by Fine), a new special IG (to be nominated by Trump), a congressional review panel (to be appointed by House/Senate leaders)

Direct payments

Included in the stimulus bill is a $1200 one-time direct payment for all Americans who made less than $75,000 in 2019 (less than $150,000 if couples filed jointly). More details can be found here. I have read that the Treasury will use 2018 information for those who have not filed yet this year, but I am not 100% sure that’ll happen.
Mnuchin has said that Americans can expect to receive the money within three weeks, but many experts expect that timetable to be pushed into late April. Additionally, that only applies to Americans who included direct deposit information on their 2019 tax returns. Those who did not include their bank’s information will have to be sent a physical check in the mail… which could take anywhere from two to four months.
Other options are being discussed, including partnering the Treasury Dept. with MasterCard and Visa to deliver prepaid debit cards. Venmo and Paypal are reportedly lobbying the government to be considered as a disbursement option.
Future payments?
House Speaker Pelosi is already planning another wave of direct payments to Americans, saying that the $1,200 is not enough to mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic: “I don’t think we’ve seen the end of direct payments.” Republicans, meanwhile, are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach, using the next couple of weeks to measure the impact of the $2 trillion bill passed last week.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy: “What concerns me is when I listen to Nancy Pelosi talk about a fourth package now, it’s because she did not get out of things that she really wanted...I’m not sure you need a fourth package...Let’s let this work ... We have now given the resources to make and solve this problem. We don’t need to be crafting another bill right now.”
For the fourth legislative package, Democrats have said they would like to see increased food stamp benefits; increased coverage for coronavirus testing, visits to the doctor and treatment; more money for state and local governments, including Washington, D.C.; expanded family and medical leave; pension fixes; and stronger workplace protections.
Trump’s signature
Normally, a civil servant signs federal checks, like the direct payments Americans are set to receive. According to a Wall Street Journal report, Trump has told people that he wants his signature to appear on the stimulus checks.


War on the poor continues

Amid the coronavirus crisis, Trump has defended his continued support of a Republican-led lawsuit to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which would result in 20 million Americans losing health insurance if successful. The Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments in the case this fall. Contrasting with his position that the ACA is illegal, Trump is considering reopening enrollment on, allowing millions of uninsured individuals to get coverage before potentially incurring charges and fees related to COVID-19.
Joe Biden called on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who is leading the charge against the ACA, and President Trump to drop the lawsuit:
“At a time of national emergency, which is laying bare the existing vulnerabilities in our public health infrastructure, it is unconscionable that you are continuing to pursue a lawsuit designed to strip millions of Americans of their health insurance and protections under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including the ban on insurers denying coverage or raising premiums due to pre-existing conditions.”
The Trump administration is also pushing forward with its plan to kick 700,000 people off federal food stamp assistance, known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). The USDA announced two weeks ago that the department will appeal Judge Beryl Howell’s recent decision that the USDA’s work mandate rule is “arbitrary and capricious."
Additionally: The Social Security Administration has no plans to slow down a rule change set for June that will limit disability benefits, the Department of Health and Human Services still intends to reduce automatic enrollment in health coverage, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development will continue the process to enact a rule that would make it harder for renters to sue landlords for racial discrimination.

Lawmakers’ stock transactions

The Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission are beginning to investigate stock transactions made ahead of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. CNN reports that the inquiry has already reached out to Senator Richard Burr for information. “Under insider trading laws, prosecutors would need to prove the lawmakers traded based on material non-public information they received in violation of a duty to keep it confidential,” a task that won’t be easy.
Sen. Burr is facing another consequence of his trades: Alan Jacobson, a shareholder in Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, sued Burr for allegedly using private information to instruct a mass liquidation of his assets. Among the shares he sold were an up to $150,000 stake in Wyndham, whose stock suffered a market-value cut of more than two-thirds since mid-February.

Environmental rollbacks

Using the pandemic as cover, the Trump administration has begun to more aggressively roll back regulations meant to protect the environment. These are examples of what Naomi Klein dubbed “the shock doctrine”: the phenomenon wherein polluters and their government allies push through unpopular policy changes under the smokescreen of a public emergency.
On Thursday, the EPA announced (non-paywalled) an expansive relaxation of environmental laws and fines, exempting companies from consequences for pollution. Under the new rules, there are basically no rules. Companies are asked to “act responsibly” but are not required to report when their facilities discharge pollution into the air or water. Just five days before abandoning any pollution oversight, the oil industry’s largest trade group implored the administration for assistance, stating that social distancing measures caused a steep drop in demand for gasoline.
  • Monday morning update: In an interview with Fox News this morning, Trump said he was going to call Putin after the interview to discuss the Saudi-Russia oil fight. A consequence of this "battle" has been plummeting prices in the U.S. making it difficult for domestic companies (like shale extraction) to turn a profit. It's striking that the day after Dr. Fauci told Americans we can expect 100,000 to 200,000 deaths from COVID-19 (if we keep social distancing measures in place), Trump's first action is to talk to Fox News and his second action is to intervene in an international tiff on behalf of the oil and gas industry.
Gina McCarthy, who led the E.P.A. under the Obama administration, called the rollback “an open license to pollute.” Cynthia Giles, who headed the EPA enforcement division during the Obama administration, said “it is so far beyond any reasonable response I am just stunned.”
The EPA is also moving forward with a widely-opposed rule to limit the types of scientific studies used when crafting new regulations or revising current ones. Hidden behind claims of increased transparency, the rule would require disclosure of all raw data used in scientific studies. This would disqualify many fields of research that rely on personal health information from individuals that must be kept confidential. For example, studies that show air pollution causes premature deaths or a certain pesticide is linked to birth defects would be rejected under the proposed rule change.
Officials and scientists are calling upon the EPA to extend the time for comment on the regulatory changes, arguing that the public is unable to express their opinion while dealing with the pandemic.
“These rollbacks need and deserve the input of our public health community, but right now, they are rightfully focused on responding to the coronavirus,” said Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey, the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Other controversial decisions being made:
  • A former EPA official who worked on controversial policies returned as Administrator Andrew Wheeler’s chief of staff. Mandy Gunasekara helped write regulations to ease pollution controls for coal-fired power plants and vehicle emissions in her previous role as chief of the EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation. In a recent interview, Gunasekara, who played a role in the decision to exit the Paris Climate Accord, pushed back on the more dire predictions of climate change, saying, “I don't think it is catastrophic.”
  • NYT: The plastic bag industry, battered by a wave of bans nationwide, is using the coronavirus crisis to try to block laws prohibiting single-use plastic. “We simply don’t want millions of Americans bringing germ-filled reusable bags into retail establishments putting the public and workers at risk,” an industry campaign that goes by the name Bag the Ban warned on Tuesday. (Also see The Guardian)
  • Kentucky, South Dakota, and West Virginia passed laws putting new criminal penalties on protests against fossil fuel infrastructure in just the past two weeks.
  • The Hill: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said Friday that it will extend the amount of time that winter gasoline can be sold this year as producers have been facing lower demand due to the coronavirus. It will allow companies to sell the winter-grade gasoline through May 20, whereas companies would have previously been required to stop selling it by May 1 to protect air quality. “In responding to an international health crisis, the last thing the EPA should do is take steps that will worsen air quality and undermine the public’s health,” biofuels expert David DeGennaro said.
  • NYT: At the Interior Department, employees at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been under strict orders to complete the rule eliminating some protections for migratory birds within 30 days, according to two people with direct knowledge of the orders. The 45-day comment period on that rule ended on March 19.
  • WaPo: The Interior Department has received over 230 nominations for oil and gas leases covering more than 150,000 acres across southern Utah, a push that would bring drilling as close as a half-mile from some of the nation’s most famous protected sites, including Arches and Canyonlands National Parks… if all the fossil fuels buried in those sites was extracted and burned, it would translate into between 1 billion and 5.95 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide being released into the air. That upward measure is equal to half the annual carbon output of China

Court updates

Press freedom case
Southern District of New York District Judge Lorna Schofield ruled that a literary advocacy group’s lawsuit against Trump for allegedly violating the First Amendment can move forward. The group, PEN America, is pursuing claims that Trump “has used government power to retaliate against media coverage and reporters he dislikes.”
Schofield determined that PEN’s allegation that Trump made threats to chill free speech was valid, providing as an example the White House’s revocation of CNN correspondent Jim Acosta’s press press corps credentials:
”The threats are lent credence by the fact that Defendant has acted on them before, by revoking Mr. Acosta’s credentials and barring reporters from particular press conferences. The Press Secretary indeed e-mailed the entire press corps to inform them of new rules of conduct and to warn of further consequences, citing the incident involving Mr. Acosta… These facts plausibly allege that a motivation for defendant’s actions is controlling and punishing speech he dislikes.”
Twitter case
The president suffered another First Amendment defeat last week when the full 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals declined to review a previous ruling that prevents Trump from blocking users on the Twitter account he uses to communicate with the public. Judge Barrington D. Parker, a Nixon-appointee, wrote: “Excluding people from an otherwise public forum such as this by blocking those who express views critical of a public official is, we concluded, unconstitutional.”
Trump-appointees Michael Parker and Richard Sullivan authored a dissent, arguing the free speech “does not include a right to post on other people’s personal social media accounts, even if those other people happen to be public officials.” Park warned that the ruling will allow the social media pages of public officials to be “overrun with harassment, trolling, and hate speech, which officials will be powerless to filter.”
Florida’s felon voting
U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ripped into Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s administration for failing to come up with a process to determine which felons are genuinely unable to pay court-ordered fees and fines, which are otherwise required to be paid before having their voting rights restored.
“If the state is not going to fix it, I will,” Hinkle warned. He had given the state five months to come up with an administrative process for felons to prove they’re unable to pay financial obligations, but Florida officials did not do so. The case is set to be heard on April 28 (notwithstanding any coronavirus-related delays).

ICE, Jails, and COVID-19

One of the most overlooked populations with an increased risk of death from coronavirus are those in detention facilities, which keep people in close quarters with little sanitation or protective measures (including for staff).
Last week, U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee ordered the federal government to “make continuous efforts” to release migrant children from detention centers across the country. Numerous advocacy groups asked for the release after reports that four children being held in New York had tested positive for the virus:
“The threat of irreparable injury to their health and safety is palpable,” the plaintiffs’ lawyers said in their petition… both of the agencies operating migrant children detention facilities must by April 6 provide an accounting of their efforts to release those in custody… “Her order will undoubtedly speed up releases,” said Peter Schey, co-counsel for the plaintiffs in the court case.
On Tuesday, 13 immigrants held at ICE facilities in California filed a lawsuit demanding to be released because their health conditions make them particularly vulnerable to dying if infected by the coronavirus. An ACLU statement says the detainees are “confined in crowded and unsanitary conditions where social distancing is not possible.” The 13 individuals are all over the age of 50 and/or suffering from serious underlying medical issues like high blood pressure.
“From all the evidence we have seen, ICE is failing to fulfill its constitutional obligation to protect the health and safety of individuals in its custody. ICE should exercise its existing discretion to release people with serious medical conditions from detention for humanitarian reasons,” said William Freeman, senior counsel at the ACLU of Northern California.
Meanwhile, ICE is under fire for continuing to shuttle detainees across the country, with one even being forced to take nine different flights bouncing from Louisiana to Texas to New Jersey less than two weeks ago. That man is Dr. Sirous Asgari, a materials science and engineering professor from Iran, who was acquitted last year on federal charges of stealing trade secrets. The government lost its case against him, yet ICE has had him in indefinite detention since November.
Asgari, 59, told the Guardian that his Ice holding facility in Alexandria, Louisiana, had no basic cleaning practices in place and continued to bring in new detainees from across the country with no strategy to minimize the threat of Covid-19...Detainees have no hand sanitizer, and the facility is not regularly cleaning bathrooms or sleeping areas…Detainees lack access to masks… Detainees struggle to stay clean, and the facility has an awful stench.
State jails are making a better effort to release detained individuals, as both New York and New Jersey ordered a thousand people in each state be let out of jail. The order applied only to low-level offenders sentenced to less than a year in jail and those held on technical probation violations. In Los Angeles County, officials released over 1,700 people from its jails.
A judge in Alabama took similar steps last week, ordering roughly 500 people jailed for minor offenses to be released to lessen crowding in facilities. Unlike in New York and New Jersey, however, local officials reacted in an uproar, led in part by the state executive committee for the Alabama Republican Party and Assistant District Attorney C.J. Robinson. Using angry Facebook messages as the barometer of the community’s feelings, Robinson worked “frantically” to block inmates from being released.
  • Reuters: As of Saturday, at least 132 inmates and 104 staff at jails across New York City had tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus… Since March 22, jails have reported 226 inmates and 131 staff with confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to a Reuters survey of cities and counties that run America’s 20 largest jails. The numbers are almost certainly an undercount given the fast spread of the virus.

Tribe opposed by Trump loses land

On Wednesday, The Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs announced the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s reservation would be "disestablished" and its land trust status removed. Tribal Chairman Cedric Cromwell called the move "cruel" and "unnecessary,” particularly coming in the midst of a pandemic crisis. Rep. Bill Keating (D-Mass.), who last year introduced legislation to protect the tribe's reservation as trust land in Massachusetts, said the order “is one of the most cruel and nonsensical acts I have seen since coming to Congress.”
The administration’s decision is especially suspicious as just last year Trump attacked the tribe’s plan to build a casino on its land, tweeting that allowing the construction would be “unfair” and treat Native Americans unequally. As a former casino owner, Trump has spent decades attacking Native American casinos as unfair competition. At a 1993 congressional hearing Trump said that tribal owners “don’t look like Indians to me” and claimed: “I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations” to gambling.
More than his past history, however, Trump has current interests at play in the Mashpee Wampanoag’s planned casino: it would have competed for business with nearby Rhode Island casinos owned by Twin River Worldwide Holdings, whose president, George Papanier, was a finance executive at the Trump Plaza casino hotel in Atlantic City.
In the Mashpee case, Twin River, the operator of the two Rhode Island casinos, has hired Matthew Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union and a vocal Trump supporter, to lobby for it on the land issue. Schlapp’s wife, Mercedes, is director of strategic communications at the White House.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

What's Happening in CT 2/20/20 - 2/23/20

Thursday, February 20th, 2020:

Friday, February 21st, 2020:

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020:

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020:

Find more things to do in CT here!
Check out a newly released movie such as:
submitted by SheCalledMePaul to Connecticut [link] [comments]

As promised: My comprehensive (and biased) list of fun or interesting things to do, eat, and see around Miami and Florida

General things anywhere (tourist friendly):


South Beach/Miami Beaches/Key Biscayne:

-SoBe (not touristy):

-North Beach:

-Biscayne/Virginia Key:



North Miami:

Gables area/Key Biscayne (I’m not too familiar):

South Miami/Homestead:








submitted by fartsmagoo to Miami [link] [comments]

What's Happening in CT! 2/7/20 - 2/9/20

Friday, February 7th, 2020:

Saturday, February 8th, 2020:

Sunday, February 9th, 2020:

Find more things to do here!

Or check out a newly released movie such as:

submitted by SheCalledMePaul to Connecticut [link] [comments]

Is this a scam? Got a call saying I won a drawing at a home showing event, which I did enter, and this is my prize

I was at the Philly Home Show a couple weeks back and entered a drawing at the event, only detailed we provided were name/numbeemail. I got a call back saying we won a package. The lady explained everything on the phone and didn’t ask for any personal details or form of payment. She said all we have to do is go to this event and listen to a timeshare presentation for 2 hours and are not obligated to buy/pay for anything, then we get a free trip to Vegas or Orlando. The hotel she told us to go to is legitimate.
How do we know if this is a scam? Is there a golden rule for knowing if you actually won something in a drawing?
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Fantasea. Resorts" [email protected] Date: January 29, 2019 at 7:46:12 PM EST To: Subject: HERE IS YOUR INVITATION FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT IN ATLANTIC CITY ON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9TH AT 1:30 PM - NG

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Your scheduled Presentation and Gift Pick-up is for
DAY Saturday DATE February 9th TIME 1:30 pm_
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• If married or engaged or in a significant relationship, both you and your spouse or significant other must attend the presentation together.
• One gift package per household or vehicle please.
• This is a very limited time promotion.
• Please arrive promptly for your Presentation and Gift Pick-up.
• Be ready for a fun and informative presentation and tour (120-150 minutes) about Fantasea Resorts and the renaissance of Atlantic City. During the multi-media presentation there will be light refreshments.
Any questions, please call 609-858-0403

The night before your presentation you will have the opportunity (but are not required) to stay in a Fantasea Resorts Suite based on availability.
If you already reserved your suite you can skip this section.
We have made a few of our Suites available for you to check into the night before your presentation for a special limited time promotional rate. Once you reserve your suite, your presentation time will change to the morning after you check in. Please verify your presentation time when booking your suite. The special promotional rates are as follows: Sunday thru Thursday arrivals can enjoy a 1 night stay in a studio suite for $29 plus tax or a two-night stay for $49 plus tax. Friday arrivals can enjoy 1 night for $59 plus tax or Saturday arrivals can enjoy a 1 night stay for $89 plus tax. Your room rate plus $10 per night in taxes will be collected when you make your reservation. Upon check-in, you will need leave a $50 refundable security deposit for any incidental room charges made during your stay. (During Holiday Periods, Pricing May be Higher)
If you would like to reserve a suite you must call the FantaSea Resorts Reservations Dept. at (888) 964-6050.
(This number is for booking your suite only) Hours of operation: Mon - Fri, 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM Saturday 9:30 am – 3:30 pm and Sunday Closed. Holiday hours may vary.
All reservations are on a first come first serve basis
Please have your credit card ready when you call. There will be NO additional charge to your credit card unless you fail to cancel your reservation at least 72 hours in advance, do not attend the presentation, or fail to meet the qualifications for this promotion. Your presentation time may change when booking an overnight stay. PLEASE CALL ********** TO RESERVE YOUR SUITE NOW
FLAGSHIP RESORT 60 N Maine Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
It’s Easy Getting To FantaSea Resorts At The Flagship From New York or North Jersey: Take Garden State Parkway South to Exit 38 (Atlantic City Expressway) Follow directions below.
From Brooklyn/Staten Island: Take Verrazano Bridge to Staten Island. Stay on the Staten Island Expressway to Goethals Bridge to New Jersey. Take N.J. Turnpike South to Garden State Parkway (exit 11). Follow directions below.
From Philadelphia area: Cross Walt Whitman Bridge into New Jersey. Stay on I-76 South (North-South Expressway) to the Atlantic City Expressway. Take the Atlantic City Expressway to Atlantic City. Follow the directions below.
All Others: Take the Atlantic City Expressway to Atlantic City. Turn left on Atlantic Avenue. Go to the end of Atlantic Avenue. The 32 story Flagship Resort will be on your left. The garage might be going through some renovations, if it is not finished when you arrive please park in the lot adjacent to the building, Parking is Free. Enter the building through the front entrance and take the elevator to the 7th floor to the Welcome Center.
Present this invitation and your 2 forms of I.D at check-in desk. Enjoy your visit!

Everyone is welcome to visit FantaSea Resorts, Flagship Resort even if not eligible for this promotion. This offer is designed for credit worthy married, engaged and cohabiting couples (both parties must attend, one must be over the age of 25 ), and single persons currently working or retired with a combined annual household income of at least $40,000. Multiple families or couples who know each other are not eligible to attend presentation on the same day. Children are permitted to accompany their parents on the tour, but only a maximum of 3 children per presentation. The purpose of this advertising promotion is to acquaint you with our facilities and vacation ownership program: however, you are under no obligation to purchase and you will receive your promotional package upon completion of the presentation. Because of the value of this offer you must bring 2 forms of identification: A government picture ID such as a Driver's License plus a Major Credit Card. Debit Cards, Prepaid Cards, Business Credit Cards and Checkbooks are not acceptable forms of identification for this promotion. At Least One Party has to be a permanent US resident or a US Citizen. All Must Be Able To Read, Speak and Understand English.
2 Round Trip Airfare: Your vacation certificate must be registered within 6 months of the issue date and allows one full year from the registered date to select and complete travel. Year-round Sunday through Tuesday departures are available from major airports within the continental U.S., Calgary International, Toronto Pearson, or Vancouver International Airports, and is based on airline availability. Availability is limited during major holidays New Year’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.
Two travel dates are required a preferred and alternate; each must be at least 45 days in advance with a minimum of 30 days between the two dates selected. Reservation Deposit: Following a travel itinerary selection, the Reservation Deposit is due. Once you confirm a reservation, the government taxes, carrier and agency imposed fees are due at the time of booking. Any refundable deposit paid amount on file at the time of booking will be applied to the charges amount due at the time of booking. Charges in excess of any refundable paid deposit amount on file are owed by the traveler and must be paid at the time of booking using a valid credit or debit card. Any Refundable Reservation Deposit balance remaining after charges, will be refunded 10 days prior to travel.
The certificate for the 3 day / 2 night mini vacation is sponsored by GRAND INCENTIVES. This vacation offer is for 2 adults 21 years of age and older. Up to 2 children under the age of 18 may stay in parent's room for $10 per child. There is a $50.00 refundable room guarantee deposit required. Once your deposit is received your reservations will be processed. All reservations should be made at least 45 days in advance. All reservations are subject to availability. Driver's license required for verification of age and major bank credit card required – no debit cards. Certain Peak times and locations may be extremely limited, for example, June, July, and August. The 3 day / 2 night mini vacation does not include food, transportation, taxes, tips, telephone calls or items of personal nature. Revue Tickets: Good for (2) show tickets at Resorts Casino. Not redeemable for cash. Coupon is non-transferable. Only (1) voucher per customer Must be 21 years of age or older. May be redeemable at Resorts Casino. Based upon availability. If there is no show on the day you are here the show tickets will not be replaced with another gift. Some shows may be sold out to the general public. Check with Box Office.
The Tanger Outlet Discount Coupon: can be redeemed at the Atlantic City Tanger Outlet Shops for a Customer Discount Book with discounts at shops like Calvin Klein, Banana Republic, Gap, Guess, Izod, Polo and others.
The developer reserves the right to discontinue this promotion at its own discretion. FantaSea Resorts reserves the right to substitute gifts of equal or greater value should the indicated gifts not be available at the time of your preview. Flagship Resort Development Corp. (07-00-0009) is registered with the New Jersey Real Estate Commission and the New York State Department of Law. Registration does not constitute endorsement of the merits or value of the property. Obtain the New Jersey Public Offering Statement from the sponsor. New York residents should ask for and receive a New York Timeshare Offering Statement. This offer or any part thereof is void where prohibited by law. Employees, owners or people who have toured our facilities in the last 12 months are ineligible. Flagship Resort Development Corp. is a members of the American Resort Development Association. Promotional package is given in exchange for taking a fun and informative presentation of our resort (120-150 min). The price range of timesharing vacation plans available is $9,900 to $50,000.

submitted by A_Shot_Away to Scams [link] [comments]

Part 42.

There have been a lot of big changes recently.
6658.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Steve Jobs being the first person to say "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." instead of Pablo Picasso?
6659.(Music Lyrics change.)"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Turpentine."/"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Guillotine."/"She's a killer Queen. Gunpowder. Gelatine."(Other lyrics?)(Anything else off?)
6660.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Wallace Broecker dying earlier than February 18, 2019?
6661.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Lee Radiziwill dying earlier than February 15, 2019?(Do the Ls in her name look off?)łł
6662.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember The Doors Of The 21st Century not being a thing?(Ian Ashbury/Ian Astbury)–Krieger
6663.(Event name change.)Lalapalooza/Lolapalooza/Lollapalooza(Other spellings?)(Does the logo look off?)
6664.(Movie Quote change.)"You're gonna be one badass motherfucker."/"You're gonna be a bad motherfucker."(Other quotes?)
6665.(Product Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Tampico being normal?(Anything else off?)
6666.(Real Life Quote change.)"I am not a crook."/"I'm not a crook."(Anything else off?)
6667.(Movie Quote change.)"I love him something awful."/"I love him awful."(Does the movie logo keep changing?)
6668.(R&B Group name change.)The Staples Singers/The Staple Singers(Do any of their logos look off?)(Anything else off?)(Does the Soul Train logo look off?)(Many remembered spellings of Abbott and all the other logos have changed.)(SiriusXM logos all have off letters.)(Most Capitol Records logos have connected letters.)(Soya Sauce/Soy Sauce)(Other spellings?)(Soya/Soy)(Twitter logo bird has changed.)(Dolly from Moonraker now has bows in her hair.)(The Bare Necessities lyrics keeps changing.)(Terrence McKenna/Terence McKenna)(Anything else off?)(Yubo logo has off letters.)(The Gifted logo has off letters.)(Quanta(Quantum?)Magazine website logo has off letters.)(The Conversation website logo has off letters.)(Book predicts a lot of Donald Trump related stuff.)(Givology logo and name keep changing.)(Male fruit flies look for alcohol when rejected.)(Frost And Nixon/Frost/Nixon)(Other names?)(Anything else off?)(Seatle, Washington/Seattle, Washington)(Other spellings?)(New Dylan album and a song moved onto it.)(Have you heard of Mimi Pond?)(Snownados now exist.)(Famous Birthdays logo has off logo.)(Android logos all keep changing.)(Timothy Chalamet/Timothée Chalamet)(Was Timothée and anything similar to it never an acceptable spelling of Timothy?)(Vector Vest logo has connected and off letters.)(Tess Daily/Tess Daly)(Lots of album cover logos have changed.)(Kissed By A Rose by Seal keeps changing.)(Other remembered spellings of Diana Rigg that haven't been mentioned yet?)(Radio station logos keep changing.)(Did John Lennon say the Good Artists Copy quote?)(Anything else off?)(Old raven related quote changed.)(Abba song lyrics are changing.)(Water polo was a thing.)(Homeless shelters charge people to stay.)(Didn't Ric Flair die?)(Spider that looks like David Bowie.)(Tasty Freeze/Tastee-Freez)(Anything else off?)(Hughes Airwest logo looks off.)(Altec Lansing is off.)(We're The Millers If Anyone Asks?)(Red Red Wine by Neil Diamond has changed or was it UB40?)(Was Zangief spelled differently?)(Sherbet Crayola or Pink Sherbet?)(MC Hammer's pants in U Can't Touch This are now red instead of yellow.)(Better Help website logo has off letters.)(Weird colored skies.)(Neurophen/Nurofen)(Footloose lyrics keep changing.)(Harpy eagles now exist.)(Dip Dab logo is merged.)(Derek Hatton is now alive.)(Sherbet Lemons/Lemon Sherbets)(Maynards Bassetts logo and all the subtexts have merged or off letters.)(Sherbet pronunciation keeps changing.)(Did what Sorbet and Sherbet used to be switch with each other?)(Is the pronunciation of Sorbet off?)(Fred from Scooby-Doo lost his Adam's Apple and his hairstyle has changed.)(Velma from Scooby-Doo has larger breasts, has different shoes, has knee stockings and looks less plain and her eye shape looks off.)(Scooby Doo's voice sounds slighty deeper and easier to understand and he no longer ends every episode with "Scooby Dooby Doo!".)(All the new moons and names for them.)(Interesting video below.)(Russia sold Alaska to America and Canada didn't.)(Video below.)(More new blood types.)(Video below.)(The Challenge: War Of The Worlds logo is off.)(Interesting video below.)(Tarantula with horn on its back discovered.)(The Munsters spelling keeps changing.)(Lots of early colored photos and videos.)(Lots of weird eye colored cartoons.)(Big Native American book change.)(Golden possums?)(Bamm-Bamm now has a green club.)(Elvis quote keeps changing.)("One of us" quotes all keep changing.)Lots of weird eye colored cartoons now.)(Rana brand logo keeps changing.)(Timothy Leary radio quote keeps changing.)(Purple and weird solid colored corn.)(Almost perfectly straight bananas.)(All Zillow logos keep changing.)(Giant supposedly extinct bees exist and they were found to still be alive.)(Lots of weird new stuff.)(Juicy Fruits/Juicy Fruit)(Were MC Hammer's pants a color other than yellow or red in U Can't Touch This?)(Baobab flower?)(Ficcus tree or plant?)(Lots of weird new changes.)(Lots of new logo changes.)(Snoopy's feet now have lines on them.)(Lots of new religious studies and philosophies.)(Sayeth to Quoteth raven quote change.)(Woman rubs period blood on face to show "beauty".)(Weird new large fish species discovered washed up on beach.)(Go Wireless! logo letters are touching.)(Wood's Boots logo is off.)(Frank Communications logo is off.)(Foreign Accent Syndrome?)(More changes to lots of stuff.)(Multiple colors for tangerines?)(The Godfather "Offer" quote keeps changing.)(Saturn's rings keep changing.)(I Feel Love by Donna Summer lyrics have changed.)(Matramony/Matrimony)(Other spellings?)(3D music systems in the 1950's.)(Did there used to be light brown M&Ms and not blue ones?)("The Suicide Tree"?)(Taiwanese leopard spotted for first time since 1983.)(Oridisia cats?)(Deer with with lots of thick antlers?)(Airplanes having engines above the wings?)(Disney parks in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris and Hawaii?)(You can get a vegan chocolate penis delivered to your door.)(Congo/Kongo)(Was the latter not acceptable?)(Do you remember the Badlands rock band not existing?)(Do you remember Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft by Carpenters not existing?)(Electric fire clams now exist.)(Many outfits Cesar Romero wore as the Joker in the original Batman show have changed.)(Sri Lankan elwphants now exist.)(Asian elephants now exist.)(Indian elephants now exist.)(Lots of phantom and new geography.)(Shoes made with grass.)(Scandals made out of Trump's contradictory tweets.)(Underwear you can wear for weeks without washing.)(Polyamorous woman has husband, fiancé, and two boyfriends.)(Rainbow wasps now exist.)(Anything else off?)(The Riddler now doesn't always wear all green.)(Anything else off?)(Equifax logo has connected and off letters.)(Are any of the outfits in Labyrinth off in any way?)(Headphones in the 1910's.)(Did Daphne not wear pink stockings ever?)(Anything else off?)(Anything else about the JetBlue name, spelling, or logo?)(Interesting video below.)(Did Marcus Dean Fuller, David Niven, and Barry Nelson never portray James Bond in any movie?)(Anything else off?)(On The Case With Paula Zahn logo has off letters.)(Systane logo has off letters.)(Juicy/Jucee juice brand and is the logo off?)(Other spellings?)(Bananas don't peel as easy or in the same place in some cases now.)(Flocks of birds getting much larger.)(Did Nabisco saltine crackers always say Premium?)(Anything else off?)(Picturephones were now a thing.)("Keep on dancing. Gotta keep on dancing.", "He will visit.", or "Evil visit." song lyrics by The Prodigy?)(Anything else off?)(More Teletubbies changes.)(The rainbow grapes and multiple colored tangerines changes are fake at least for now.)(Fracture printing logo has off letters.)(Anything else off?)(Didn't King Kong Bundy pass away years before March 4, 2019?)(Anything else off?)(Holidays that pop out of nowhere.)(Herby: Fully Loaded/Herbie: Fully Loaded)(Anything else off?)(Tommy CoppeTommie Copper)(Anything else off?)(Blue macaw parrots now existed.)(Frozen ice balls of Lake Michigan.)(Aspiration logo has off letters.)(Putting photos on guns during WW2?)(Any other time?)(Is the number of days in a year off?)(Walking trees and other walking plants?)(Haribo Tangtastics/Haribo Tangfastics)(Other spellings?)(Lots of logo changes recently.)(OdorBan/OdoBan)(Lambkins now exist.)(Lots of weird new sunfish.)(Lots of new ghost ice stuff.)(The Honky Tonk Man is just now being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame.)(Redferrin/Redfin)(Is the logo off?)(Anything else off?)(Do you remember the Uncle Sam poster saying "We want you" instead of "I want you"?)(Fantatics app logo is off.)(Instaflex logo is off.)(Milly Vanilly/Milli Vanilli)(Do any of their logos look off?)(Saturn's rings keep changing.)(Lots of name changes.)(Do you remember somebody other than Frankie Valli singing Can't Take Off Of You?)(ASDA store brand products have connected letters.)(Interesting video.)(The Brady Girls Get Married now exists.)(Plants respond to pain similar to how we respond to pain.)(Lots of sexual orientation related changes.)(Your brain still works for a while after you die.)(Lots of app logo changes.)(Lots of commercial font changes.)(Ant-Man And The Wasp has connected letters.)(Westcott logo now looks like the old reality VW logo.)(Kyle JenneKylie Jenner)(Lots of weird names and name spellings.)(Poly-Fil(Poly-Fill?)logo has changed.)(Brother At Your Side logo has changed.)(Ayatollah Khamenei horrible quotes and other horrible quotes from this new reality.)(I Want You by Savage Garden lyrics have changed.)(Do any of their logos look off?)(India's poverty level keeps changing.)
6669.(Famous Hero name change.)Wild Bill Hitchcock/Wild Bill Hickok(Other spellings?)
6670.(Restaurant name change.)El Toritos/El Torito(Anything else off?)
6671.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember deer not being able to scream?(Anything else off?)
6672.(Song name change.)Let's Hear It For The Boys/Let's Hear It For The Boy(Are the lyrics off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)
6673.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember alligators and crocodiles not being able to be this big?
6674.(History change.)Do you remember Donald Trump not running for president in 2000?(Anything else off about what he's said about running for president or not?)
6675.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Cranial fissures now are sutures and fibrous, pulsing fontanelles, "flavor country" no longer existed, pineal eye is now a physical eye on outside of face of animals and some have 4 eyes, plain of jars, skara brae, manitol/malitol/maltitol, persistent pupillary membrane over eye in 20% of adult humans and also animals, helium superfluid has 0 viscosity and can't be contained, bacteria also make superfluids, California great flood of 1861 and 1862, ice disk, 1908 New York to Paris car race, atmospheric rivers, Chernobyl didn't shut down after 1986 disaster until 2000, animals still being able to thrive in Chernobyl, more geography changes, more US flag changes, female elephants have tusks called tushes and some male elephants are naturally born without tusks and elephants are apparently evolving not to have them at all, lots of weird sharks and weird stuff about sharks, bioluminescent lizards.)(Video below.)(Australian Geographic logo has connected letters.)(Release dates for everything changing.)(Lots of famous name spellings have drastically changed.)
6676.(Company Logo change.)Sunglasses Hut/Sunglass Hut
6677.(Paint name change.)Dulex/Dulux(Do any of the logos look off?)(Do any of the other things named Dulux look off?)
6678.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember James Darren dying?
6679.(Donut name change.)CrulleKruller(Was the former or the later not acceptable?)(Other spellings?)(Is the pronunciation off?)(Anything else off?)
6680.(Song name change.)The Point Of No Return/Point Of Know Return(Album too.)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6681.(Can't think of a title.)Have you heard of the Yosemite Firefall?
6682.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sting jets not being a thing?
6683.(Fictional Character name change.)Hercules Poirot/Hercule Poirot(Other spellings?)
6684.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Mumia Abu-Jamal being executed?(Anything else off?)
6685.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sea creatures not being able to live or die in places far away from water such as rainforests?
6686.(Famous Actress name change.)Olivia Coleman/Olivia Colman(Was Colman never an acceptable spelling of Coleman?)
6687.(Company name change.)Harmon Kardon/harman/kardon(Anything else off?)
6688.(Famous Actress name change.)Beverly Owen/Beverley Owen(Was Beverley never an acceptable spelling of Beverly?)
6689.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember ice tsunamis not being a thing?
6690.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Uffington White Horse not being a thing?
6691.(Celebrity death cause change.)Do you remember James Horner dying from an illness instead of a plane crash?(Anything else off?)
6692.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Carvana being normal?
6693.(Product name change.)Gravy Granuals/Gravy Granules(Other spellings?)
6694.(Product name change.)Rizzla/Rizla(Anything else off?)
6695.(Product name change.)IWatch/iWatch(IPhone/iPhone)(IPad/iPad)(IPad/iPad)(IOS/iOS)(It keeps flipping.)
6696.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the credits in Goodfellas(Was the official GoodFellas and is the logo off?)being white instead of red?(Anything else off?)
6697.(Product name change.)Cindy/Sindy(Was Sindy never an acceptable spelling of Cindy?)
6698.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Casino Royale being the first James Bond film instead of Dr. No?(Anything else off?)
6699.(Spelling change.)Tender Hook/Tenterhook
Add-On: Do you remember Barbaar The Elephant or Barbar The Elephant instead of Babar The Elephant?
Add-On: Do you remember Gobstoppers instead of Gobstopper?
Add-On: Do you remember Big Bird's being yellow?(Anything else off?)
6700.(Product name change.)CD+CD-R(Any products with similar names off?)
6701.(Spelling change.)Bolognaise/Bolognese(Anything else off?)
6702.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes being set 8 years after instead of 10?
6703.(Spelling change.)Battle Ship/Battleship(War Ship/Warship)(Space Ship/Spaceship)(Battleships/Battleship board game)
6704.(Music Lyrics change.)"Ain't that a kick in the head."/"Ain't love like a kick in the head."(Anything else off?)
6705.(Spelling change.)Murial/Muriel/Mural
6706.(Spelling change.)Broach/Brooch
6707.(Company name change.)RyannaiRyanair(Other spellings?)
6708.(Phrase change.)Card Shark/Card Sharp
6709.(Movie name change.)The Wizard In Oz/The Wizard Of Oz(Dorthy/Dorothy)(Anything else about her name off?)(Somewhere Over The Rainbow/Over The Rainbow)
6710.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember food scented bath stuff not being a thing?
6711.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Geochanges, weird mushrooms, sharknado, orange eyes,(Denny's, USPS, Burger King, Sherwin-Williams, Motel 6, and AutoZone)are all tilting and off logos, naked mole rats don't die of old age, pleomorphism, new giant tortoise types discovered, more bioluminescent animals, more weird light pillars, north and south Atlantic Ocean, north and south Pacific Ocean, Antarctic scale worm and other weird worms, jewel beetles, weird whales and whale changes, earthquakes with negative magnitudes, Indonesian village corpses, more weird land formations, humans glow in visible light, DMT and it occurs naturally, more weird immortal animals, Colorado river toad, Earth's atmosphere goes past the moon, Sphinx cat breed/Sphynx cat breed, Sargasso Sea, poisonous birds.)(Video below.)
6712.(History change.)Do you remember virtual reality not going as far back as the 1950's?
6713.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember bears never existing in Africa?
6714.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember spiders not being capable of dragging animals like opossums anywhere on their own?
6715.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the dodo going extinct because humans ate them instead of other animals eating them?(Was it something else?)
6716.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Mister Ed being a different type or different colored horse?(Anything else off?)(Was it always in black & white or just colored?)
6717.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember something about this Mary Poppins song being different?
6718.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember André(Andre?)Previn dying before February 28, 2019?é_Previn
6719.(Song name change.)MacArthur's Park/MacArthur Park(Do any of his logos off?)(Anything else off?)
6720.(Famous Actor name change.)Timothy Chalamet/Timothée Chalamet(Were Timothee, Timothée, Timotheé, and Timothéé never acceptable spellings of Timothy?)ée_Chalamet
6721.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Gaël Montfils/Gaël Monfils(Other spellings?)ël_Monfils
6722.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Stan Warwrinka/Stan Wawrinka(Other spellings?)
6723.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Nick Kygrios/Nick Kyrgios(Other spellings?)
6724.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Gabriñe Muguruza/Garbiñe Muguruza(Other spellings?)ñe_Muguruza
6725.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Alizée Cornet/Alizé Cornet(Other spellings?)é_Cornet
6726.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Steffi Graff/Steffi Graf(Other spellings?)(Are there other weird Stephanie and Stefan spellings?)
6727.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Agnieszka Rodwańska/Agnieszka Radwańska(Other spellings?)ńska
6728.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Angelica KerbeAngelique Kerber(Other spellings?)(Are there other weird Angelica spellings?)
6729.(Famous Tennis Player name change.)Sabina Lisicki/Sabine Lisicki(Other spellings?)(Was she a brunette instead of blonde?)
6730.(Fictional Character name change.)Mitch Buchanon/Mitch Buchannon(Other spellings?)
6731.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Joachim Noah/Joakim Noah(Other spellings?)
6732.(Country name change.)QuataQatar(Other spellings?)(Is the pronunciation off?)(Anything else off?)
6733.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Paul Gasol/Pau Gasol(Other spellings?)(Was Pau never an acceptable spelling of Paul?)
6734.(Famous Race Car Driver name change.)Sebastien Vettel/Sebastian Vettel(Was Sebastien never an acceptable spelling of Sebastian?)(Are there other weird Sebastian spellings?)
6735.(Town name change.)Marinello, Italy/Maranello, Italy(Other spellings?)
6736.(Famous Basketball Player name change.)Derek Rose/Derrick Rose(Was Derrick never an acceptable spelling of Derek?)(Are there other weird spellings of Derek?)
6737.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Katherine Helmond dying earlier than February 23, 2019?
6738.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the Spread logo being different?
6739.(History change.)Do you remember the Boeing 314 Clipper not being a thing?
6740.(History change.)Do you remember the hand mixer not being patented in 1856 and the first electric one not being invented in 1885?
6741.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Jaws' teeth being different?
6742.(Fictional Company name change.)The Daily Bugle/Daily Bugle
6743.(Fictional Company name change.)The Daily Planet/Daily Planet
6744.(Slogan change.)"Nobody knows Easter better than Cadbury."/"Nobunny knows Easter better than Cadbury."
6745.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Tracey(Tracy?)Gold dying a while back?(Was Tracey never an acceptable spelling of Tracy?)
6746.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Coca-Cola not using Coca leaves in their recipe ever and all their ingredients in their formula being secret?
6747.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember human bodies not reacting this way to things like leaf blowers?
6748.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember "My glasses! I can't see without my glasses!" being said more often throughout Scooby-Doo?(Do you remember Scooby Doo's real name being Scooby instead of Scoobert?)(Do you remember Scooby Doo not having any other relatives other than Scrappy Doo?)(Anything else off?)
6749.(Company name change.)Amtrack/Amtrak(Anything else off?)
6750.(History change.)Do you remember the White House never burning down ever?
6751.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember elephants never being able to cry?
6752.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember parrots never being able to take or get addicted to things like opium?
6753.(Famous Model name change.)Barbie Benton/Barbi Benton(Was Barbi never an acceptable spelling of Barbie?)
6754.(Famous Actor name change.)Bobby J. Thompson/Bobb'e J. Thompson(Other spellings?)(Was Bobb'e never an acceptable spelling of Bobby?)(Are there other weird Bobby spellings?)
Add-On: Do you remember Edwin or Erich Schrödinger?(Other spellings?)(Were Caffe and Caffé never acceptable spellings of Café?)ödinger
6755.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Emre Belezoğlu/Emre Belözoğlu(Other spellings?)özoğlu
6756.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Gerald Piqué/Gerard Piqué(Other spellings?)é
6757.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Felipe Luís/Filipe Luís(Other spellings?)ís
6758.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Carlos Valderama/Carlos Valderrama(Other spellings?)
6759.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)René Huiguita/René Higuita(Other spellings?)é_Higuita
6760.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Graham LeSaux/Graeme Le Saux(Other spellings?)
6761.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Ferenc Puszkás/Ferenc Puskás(Other spellings?)ás
6762.(Famous Actress name change.)Stephanie Powers/Stefanie Powers(Other spellings?)
6763.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Dean Stockwell dying a while back?
6764.(Song name change.)Believe/Still Believe(Are the lyrics off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)(Anything else off?)
6765.(Girl Group name change.)Destiny Child/Destiny's Child(Do any of their logos look off?)(Were they never kniwn as Girl's Tyme?)(Were the members originally sisters instead of just being members?)'s_Child
6766.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember One Man Gang dying?
6767.(Spelling change.)Twighlight/Twillight/Twilight(Other spellings?)
6768.(Famous Actress name change.)Patsy Kenzit/Patsy Kensit(Other spellings?)
6769.(Famous Actress name change.)Leslie-Ann Down/Lesley-Anne Down(Other spellings?)(Was Lesley never an acceptable spelling of Leslie?)
6770.(Famous Actress name change.)Tiffany Thiessen/Tiffani Thiessen(Other spellings?)(Was Tiffani never an acceptable spelling of Tiffany?)
6771.(Famous Producer name change.)Stephen J. Canell/Stephen J. Cannell(Other spellings?)
6772.(Famous Actor name change.)Patrick McGohan/Patrick McGoohan(Other spellings?)
6773.(Famous Actor name change.)Martin Scorcese/Martin Scorsese(Other spellings?)
6774.(Famous Actress name change.)Grey DeLeslie/Grey DeLisle(Other spellings?)
6775.(Famous Actor name change.)Bill Faggerbake/Bill Fagerbakke(Other spellings?)(Was him name pronounced differently?)
6776.(Famous Actor name change.)William Stylers/William Salyers(Other spellings?)
6777.(Candy name change.)Strawberry Flavour Laces/Strawberry Flavour Lances(Anything else off about Lances?)
6778.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Cole Sprouse being less popular than Dylan Sprouse when The Suote Life Of Zack & Cody was on and now?
6779.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Paul Young dying a while back?(Anything about him in Desperate Housewives off?)(Anything else off?)
6780.(Famous Cook name change.)Rachel Ray/Rachael Ray(Other spellings?)(Was Rachael never an acceptable spelling of Rachel?)
6781.(Famous Fashion Designer name change.)Vivian Westwood/Vivienne Westwood(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Vivian being spelled in general?)
6782.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)César Aczpilicueta/César Azpilicueta(Other spellings?)ésar_Azpilicueta
6783.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Jermaine Defoe/Jermain Defoe(Other spellings?)(Was Jermain never an acceptable spelling of Jermaine?)
6784.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Ellora caves, petra and little petra, shrovetide, calcio storico, American Kidney Foundation/American Kidney Fund, Chichén Itzá, black sea under river, pattern on doe's back and other weird patterns on deer, more friendly wild animals, Michael Jackson dropped 50 feet to stage in an accident, Isaiah 11:8 changes again, more on harpy eagle, Ford logo is now tilting, Honda logo has changed again, polycephalic everything, weird elephant parts, gaboon viper that moves like a caterpillar, pattern change on raccoon and panda eyes, naked foal syndrome, more geography changes, Great lakes keep changing, guy with large hairy birthmark and two children with weird birth defects, weird looking cat with white coloration, 12 finger family, Neanderthals may have been smarter than we think, more anatomy changes, Quetzacoatl(Was it spelled differently?), rabbit without hair, when student doctors remove your appendix, 1939 ghost Pontiac, Marie Curie and everything about her, shark with bioluminescent nose, mice can sing.)(Video below.)
6785.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember transgender people not being able to give birth?
6786.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember little Grand Canyon-like structures not being a thing?
6787.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember teacup pigs being their own separate species and not just being very small and/or underfed pigs?
6788.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"I love Wisconsin!"/"Hello Wisconsin!"(Was it Kelso or Eric that said it and not Hyde?)
6789.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember bumblebees not being endangered?
6790.(Movie name change.)The Naked Gun 33 1/2: The Final Insult/Naked Gun 33 1/2: The Final Insult⅓:_The_Final_Insult
6791.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember 1950's breakfast stations not being a thing?
6792.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the first mall in America not opening as early as 1956?(Anything else off?)
6793.(Phrase change.)"Not your circus. Not your clowns."/"Not my circus. Not my clowns."(Anything else off?),_not_my_monkeys
6794.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Alaska not having a rainforest?(Were there no rainforests in North America at all?)(Anything else off?)
6795.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Della Duck not existing?
6796.(Fictional Character name change.)Do you remember Inspector Gadget's real name being Don Brown or John Brown?
6797.(Music Lyrics change.)"Things in common?"/"Thing in common?"("Cuz opposites attract."/"'Cause opposites attract.")(Anything else off?)(Do any of her logos look off?)
6798.(Logo change.)Do you remember the Fair Use logo not being connected?
6799.(Music Lyrics change.)"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?"/"What am I gonna do when the best part of me was always you?"(Anything else off?)(Do any of their logos look off?)
6800.(Comic Series name change.)Calvin And Hobbs/Calvin And Hobbes(Anything else off?)
6801.(Abbreviation change.)Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome/Aquired Immune Deficiency Virus
6802.(T.V. Shiw name change.)Beverly Hills 92010/Beverly Hills, 90210,_90210
6803.(Famous Actress name change.)Ellen Paige/Ellen Page
6804.(Famous Director name change.)Howard Hawk/Howard Hawks
6805.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Mark Clattenberg/Mark Clattenburg(Other spellings?)
6806.(Famous Referee name change.)Pierluigi Colina/Pierluigi Collina(Other spellings?)
6807.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Phillipe Coutinho/Philippe Coutinho(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Philippe being spelled in general?)
6808.(Famous Soccer Player name change.)Jessy Lingard/Jesse Lingard(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Jesse being spelled in general?)
6809.(Famous Singer name change.)Lauren Hill/Lauryn Hill(Other spellings?)
6810.(Famous Singer name change.)Phil Colins/Phil Collins(Other spellings?)(How do you remember Collin or Collins being spelled in general?)
6811.(Famous Composer name change.)Wolfgang Amadeus MozaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart(Other spellings?)
6812.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"Come and listen to a story about a man named Jed."/"Come and listen to my story about a man named Jed ."
6813.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Jam Session by Heavy D and The Notorious B.I.G. not existing?
6814.(Can't think of a to title.)Do you remember the music video for Puffin On Blunts And Drankin' Tanqueray not existing?
6815.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Barbie only having a first name and not a middle or last one?
6816.(Celebrity death date change.)Do you remember Jan-Michael Vincent dying earlier than February 10, 2019?
6817.(State name change.)Okhlahoma/Oklahoma(Other spellings?)
6818.(City name change.)Passadena, California/Pasadena, California(Other spellings?),_California
6819.(City name change.)Norwitch/Norwich(Other spellings?)(Multiple places.)
6820.(Town name change.)Ipswitch/Ipswich(Other spellings?)
6821.(Village name change.)Amytiville, New York/Amityville, New York(Other spellings?),_New_York
6822.(Famous Actor name change.)Rob SteigeRod Steiger(Other spellings?)
6823.(Famous Actress name change.)Judy Gardland/Judy Garland(Other spellings?)
submitted by iminterestingplease to Retconned [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Nov 21st - Tue, Nov 27th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Nov 21st

Thursday, Nov 22nd

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 24th Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more…
  • Cranberry Jam with The Great Divide (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 8:00pm Jackson Tillman
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Hosty (VZD's - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • 🏃 OKC Turkey Tracks 5K (Downtown - Oklahoma City) Bring the whole family and celebrate a holiday tradition with a pre-feast run while supporting our US Marine Corps Toys for Tots Foundation…
  • 🍴 Plan Your Holiday Party Now! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 5:00pm Plan your holiday party now and receive a free Hostess Gift!
    ‘Tis the season. Let The Melting Pot take away the stress of party…
  • Rising Stars Calf Roping Finals (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Nov 25th Witness the action as 500 of the most talented young ropers from across the country compete in roping events. Ropers…
  • Saints Sessions (Saints - Oklahoma City) Head to the Plaza District each Thursday for an evening of Saints Sessions programming. Visit Saints Pub in Oklahoma City on…
  • 🍴 Thanksgiving Dinner (Mary Eddy's Kitchen x Lounge - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Give thanks with friends and family this year without spending all day in the kitchen. Head downtown to Mary Eddy’s for a meal full of…
  • 🎓 Moore Toastmasters (1st United Methodist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Do you cringe at the thought of being in front of a room communicating? Maybe you have no idea how to construct your thoughts for your next…
  • 🏃 Turkey Day 5K (Pickard Ave. - East of the Norman High School - Norman) Turkey Day 5K is a non profit run held on Thanksgiving Day to benefit long term tornado recovery. All proceeds from this years race will…
  • Turkey Day 5K (Norman High School - Norman) Work up an appetite for a hearty Thanksgiving meal at Norman's annual Turkey Day 5K. Taking off from Main Street,…
  • Edmond Turkey Trot (Downtown Edmond Community Center - Edmond) Lace up your running shoes and visit downtown Edmond on Thanksgiving morning for the Turkey Trot. This 5K run and one mile…
  • 🏃 Edmond Turkey Trot 5k/1 Mile Wobble (Downtown - Edmond) Bring the entire family and race through the 5K Run or breeze through the 1 Mile Wobble. See details and register now at…

Friday, Nov 23rd

  • 🎓 Edmond Ambucs Friday Luncheon (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm The Edmond Chapter Ambucs “creating mobility & independence for people with disabilities” hosts a weekly luncheon every Friday. Please…
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more…
  • Andy Alligator's Black Friday Fun Day! (Andy Alligator's Fun Park & Water Park - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am Andy Alligator's is in the giving spirit with our Black Friday Fun Day! On Friday, November 23rd, get a $100 gift card for ONLY $50! That's…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Blue vs. Iowa Wolves (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm The Oklahoma City Blue host the Iowa Wolves. Camera Policy: Personal "point and shoot" cameras are allowed, however professional cameras…
  • Bone Thugs-N-Harmony in Concert (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Join legendary rap collective Bone Thugs-N-Harmony for one very special evening as they take over Diamond Ballroom in…
  • Bricktown Tree Lighting Festival (3rd Base Plaza - Oklahoma City) Enjoy food, live music and festival activities at the exciting Bricktown Tree Lighting Festival. The festive occasion will…
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • 😂 Cody Woods (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Nov 25th Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Nov 26th Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23.…
  • 😂 Open Mic Night (Don Quixote Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Every Friday is open mic comedy at Don Quixote's! Come see Oklahoma City's up and coming talent. If you're a comedian, sign up begins at…
  • 🍴 Plan Your Holiday Party Now! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 5:00pm Plan your holiday party now and receive a free Hostess Gift!
    ‘Tis the season. Let The Melting Pot take away the stress of party…
  • Rising Stars Calf Roping Finals (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Nov 25th Witness the action as 500 of the most talented young ropers from across the country compete in roping events. Ropers…
  • 🎭 Scrooge In Rouge - Christmas Show At The Boom (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Surreptitious: The After Work Social Mixer (Avenue 101 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm $10 Fishbowls $3 Hennessy Black $1 Beers $10 Hookah ($5 the 1st Hour) 3 Wine ::NO COVER::
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Charlotte Hornets (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Charlotte Hornets. Wear your…

Saturday, Nov 24th

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more…
  • Backwoods Country Music Show (The Centre Theatre - El Reno) Come to the historic Centre Theatre in downtown El Reno to experience the Backwoods Country Music Show. Featuring…
  • The Byron Berline Band in Concert (Double Stop Music Hall - Guthrie) Start Time: 7:00pm Enjoy and evening of award winning Bluegrass Music by the Byron Berline Band. Homemade pie from Manna Eatery avaliable at intermission
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • 😂 Cody Woods (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • Deep Deuce Sessions (Deep Deuce - Oklahoma City) Best known for its rich history steeped in jazz and blues, the Deep Deuce District has recently revived its historic music…
  • Deluxe Winter Market (Leadership Square - Oklahoma City) Deluxe Winter Market is a one-of-a-kind shopping experience in Oklahoma City. This craft market features wares from more…
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • 🏃 Gardens Walking Tour (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Last Saturday of the Month, 10-11am Meet in the North Lobby and Walk the Garden Grounds FREE Walkups Welcome Geared towards adults, children…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • Honoring the Beat of Life Powwow (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Head to the Honoring the Beat of Life Powwow at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City. Plan to attend and witness a…
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Jamie Bramble Fan Page (Full Circle Bookstore - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Jay Allen with special guest Kylie Morgan (The Palace Event Center - El Reno) Start Time: 7:30pm Headliner: Jay Allen Opener: Kylie Morgan
  • Kierston White (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • Midnight Star & Atlantic Starr in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Hear powerhouse vocals and plenty of harmonies as Midnight Star and Atlantic Starr take the stage at Riverwind Casino. Pack…
  • My So Called Band (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00pm
  • NO SHOW - Thanksgiving Weekend (Rodeo Opry - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • Oklahoma Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 The Oklahoma Gun Show in the Modern Living building of Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City is sure to have the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Nov 26th Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23.…
  • Rising Stars Calf Roping Finals (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left Witness the action as 500 of the most talented young ropers from across the country compete in roping events. Ropers…
  • 🎭 Scrooge In Rouge - Christmas Show At The Boom (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Shop Small in the Plaza with Google #SmallThanks (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm Join us at Google’s #SmallThanks party in the 16th Street Plaza District, celebrating our…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Denver Nuggets (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Denver Nuggets. Wear your blue…
  • Wade Tower in Concert (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) Entertainer Wade Tower will croon to the crowd at Grand Casino Hotel & Resort. See this seasoned, charismatic performer…
  • What She Said (Newcastle Casino - Newcastle) Start Time: 8:00pm Featuring strong vocals, rhythm guitar and lead guitar, the What She Said duo artists play acoustic rock cover songs.
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Sunday, Nov 25th

  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Clancy Jones (Lost Highway - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • 🎓 ILLUMINATIONS: A Northern Lights Experience in the Crystal Bridge Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Presented by OGE Energy Corp. November 23 – January 2 Evenings Enjoy a new take on holiday lighting inside the Crystal Bridge Tropical…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • Oklahoma Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Oklahoma Gun Show in the Modern Living building of Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma City is sure to have the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23.…
  • Rising Stars Calf Roping Finals (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day Witness the action as 500 of the most talented young ropers from across the country compete in roping events. Ropers…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Monday, Nov 26th

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more…
  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Community Tree Lighting (Midwest City Community Center - Midwest City) Kick off the holiday season at the Community Tree Lighting in Midwest City. Each holiday season, the Mayor of Midwest City,…
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Like Moths to Flames in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Like Moths to Flames hit the hardcore scene in 2010, and since their inception, the band has released four studio albums.…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 11:30am Starting Black Friday you can enjoy The Melting Pot all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every day until December 23.…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

Tuesday, Nov 27th

  • A Christmas Carol (Lyric at the Plaza - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 24th A spectacular new Oklahoma holiday tradition returns with Lyric Theatre's production of the Charles Dickens classic,…
  • Downs Family Christmas Lights (Down's Family Christmas Light Ministry - Norman) Thru Tue, Jan 1st The Downs Family Christmas Lights in Norman is one of the most spectacular light displays at a private residence in…
  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in Blanchard…
  • Holiday in the Park (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Jan 6th Experience the magic of a million lights sparkling throughout Frontier City Theme Park. At the annual Holiday in the Park…
  • Holiday Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Venture over to Midtown in Oklahoma City during the winter holidays, and gaze in wonder at the geodesic dome city overtaking…
  • It's a Wonderful Life (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sun, Dec 23rd Get in the Christmas spirit with the enchanting performance of “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play”…
  • Lights From the Heart (Purcell Lake - Purcell) Thru Tue, Jan 1st Set your gaze upon a holiday wonderland at Lights From the Heart in Purcell. On this 1.5-mile drive around Purcell Lake…
  • Limo Holiday Lights Tours (Citywide - Oklahoma City) Thru Mon, Dec 31st Schedule a two-hour tour of the city's most spectacular holiday lights via limo, and enjoy a smooth ride past vibrant…
  • 🏆 North Texas Mean Green Men's Basketball at Oklahoma Sooners Mens Basketball (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • NRHA Futurity & Adequan Championship Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Dec 2nd The National Reining Horse Association (NRHA), with its international headquarters in Oklahoma City, presents one of the…
  • OU Sooners vs North Texas Eagles (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Experience the action and excitement in Norman as the Oklahoma Sooners take on the North Texas Eagles. Since the team's…
  • A Territorial Christmas Celebration (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Step back in time at A Territorial Christmas Celebration in Guthrie with a live theatre production, historic home tours,…
  • Kingfisher Winter Nights (Kingifhser City Park - Kingfisher) Thru Mon, Dec 24th Millions of lights are setting historic Kingfisher Park ablaze in the city of Kingfisher. Every evening from November…

See Also

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Find parking costs, opening hours and a parking map of all Atlantic City Nj parking lots, street parking, parking meters and private garages Resorts is charging for parking. $10 w/o a card, $5 with their lowest tier card, free for higher level cards. They charge on entry too, so no chance to get a card to pay a reduced fee later! ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (December 15, 2020) – At the request of the City of Atlantic City’s Office of Emergency Management, the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) has authorized the Wave Parking Garage, located at the corner of Mississippi and Fairmount Avenues, to provide free overnight parking for all Atlantic City residents and We’re all about making your stay in Atlantic City as carefree as possible, and that starts from the moment you arrive. Book your stay at Golden Nugget Atlantic City and enjoy free self-parking all day, every day so you can take advantage of everything Golden Nugget has to offer including gourmet dining, world-class gaming and live entertainment daily. Once you have made your first qualifying deposit, please accept or decline your bonus in the pop-up notification window before playing the casino games. Your Casino Parking Atlantic City Nj Welcome Bonus will then be credited to your account immediately. The minimum single deposit Casino Parking Atlantic City Nj to claim this bonus is $20. Free Self-Parking Every Day for all Star Card Members! Having a Resorts STAR Card provides you with special benefits, invitations and information to make the most of each visit! You are sure to benefit from all that our exclusive members have access to. Visit the Promotions Booth located on the Casino floor to sign up today! Star Card Benefits at bally's, caesars and harrah's, i've seen the offer: earn 25 tier credits and get free parking. for restaurant spend, i believe it's a $75 threshold for free parking. i've seen that offer at bally's and caesars, but don't remember seeing it at harrah's. FREE PARKING for Ocean Casino Rewards Club Members. ALL members receive FREE self-parking daily at Ocean Casino Resort. Park on the 6th floor, casino level, and be steps away from your favorite machine. Or, park on the 11th floor, hotel level, and be steps away from hotel check-in. Must be 21 or older. Bet with your head, not over it. Atlantic City Cops Search for Clues in Fatal Fall at Ocean Casino Parking Garage. Posted on: January 28, 2021, 03:44h. Last updated on: January 28, 2021, 04:11h. 18+ Full T&C's What Casinos Offer Free Parking In Atlantic City Apply New players Only. £10 min deposit. £5 max bet using bonus. 40 x wagering applies. Bonus valid for 14 days. 30 Spins What Casinos Offer Free Parking In Atlantic City on preselected games will be credited instantly + then 30 per day for 9 days. Free Spins valid for 72 hours from credit.

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