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How to get a 3mo membership and 6k ACs with a $4.99 in-app purchase (using Artix rewards with AdGate)

I did this myself yesterday and today, it was very easy and I figure that it might help some people. The rewards system used to earn Artix Points for free was recently revamped. Rather than using a variety of different providers, it uses just AdGate now. I should mention that I have an iPhone and I'm not sure if this offer shows up for Android users, but it should only take a second to check.
Login to your Artix account, go to the 'Get Points' tab, and click 'Earn Points.' Answer the questions and indicate that you own a smartphone, then go to the upper left corner, set the category to apps, and the order to high to low. Look for the Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire offer that rewards 6,400 points for getting to 100k power, click on it and follow the instructions to install the app.
Once you're inside the game and done with the tutorial (it's okay if you're overwhelmed) you're going to want to build -- I would suggest building ~10 quarries and ~5 of each other resource building. Follow the quests the game gives you, don't be afraid to spend your gold on resources if you run out. Once you've got a good amount of resources, start building and leveling barracks. Barracks let you train more troops at once at the training ground, and your goal is to build a lot of siege engines there. You can also research traps at the university and build some at your wall, though I only built troops.
Your goal is to get to 19k power; once you have that, click the spinning gold coin and purchase the train troops faster package for $4.99. You should really wait until you have the required power to do so; troops are expensive to build in terms of food and also require food to be upkept, so you don't want to do it too early. The package has a timer that counts down from like 15 minutes, but ignore that because it'll be back. This package gives you troops worth 81k power or so.. once you buy it you should wait a few seconds, close the app, reopen it, and check your Artix account for 6,400 points.
Once you have the points you can buy the 3mo membership + 6k AC package for 5,000 points. It's totally possible to do this for free as well (you can search online for 'FFXV 100k power' and see other guides), but I'd never played a city builder game like this before and there was a 14 day time limit so I didn't want to mess up. You can get 19k power in like 4-5 hours of play spread out over a day. If it takes you more than a day to do this, BE SURE to click the dove icon and use a 24-hour barrier to prevent yourself from going under attack. You can get more barriers by building 10 of a single building (10 farms, quarries, barracks, etc.) but you shouldn't need many.

Feel free to ask if you need any advice or have any questions about this. It's not the easiest game to play, and I already left some stuff out of this guide (joining a guild and fighting monsters with your hero, for example) but if you put effort into it you can definitely get 19k power easily. There's a lot of other good offers too (the Vegas Casino & Slots: Slottist offer that requires you to get level 30 can be done in an hour if you buy ten lottery tickets for $0.99 then bet 125k each on red and black in roulette 50 or so times; $0.99 for 2400 points), though not all of them pay out on time, which is a risk you have to be aware of.
submitted by Gloomy_Combination27 to AQW [link] [comments]

After 15 years, EVE Online is having it's first $1,000,000 battle tomorrow. Here is your guide to the action.

tl;dr: Four years ago there was an EVE battle where $300,000 worth of stuff was destroyed, and it made the news. After that battle, EVE’s greatest player, The Mittani, made a bunch of money selling out his massive 15,000 person super-organized gaming community to other games for cash. This went well, but then he tried to raise $150,000 in a kickstarter to get Sci-Fi Author Jeff Edwards to write a book about himself and a famous war he won in EVE Online. The rest of the EVE player community revolted against this idea, the kickstarter fell short in spectacular fashion, and the community then united to destroy The Mittani’s EVE empire once and for all, bank rolled by a massive EVE casino run by one guy. Towards the end of that war, the guy who ran that casino was banned because the CS:GO gambling scandal made the game company behind EVE afraid of lawsuits related to gambling. With no money bankrolling them, the EVE community split apart before they could deal the final blow, and now 15 months later, EVE’s greatest player is back for revenge in what could be EVE Online’s first $1,000,000 battle.
Hi, IAMA fleet commander in the MMO video game EVE Online. EVE Online is the game that many of you “love to read about, but would never actually play”. I don’t blame you, it’s a complicated time sink, and if you’re not careful it can add a few years to your college career (plenty of people take 6 years to graduate though, so it’s no big deal). It’s likely that the last time many of you read about this game was back in 2014 when roughly $300,000 worth of warships were destroyed in a single day, as reported by Wired, CBS, ABC, etc. Well, nearly four years later, a crazy timeline of events has led us to what is going to be EVE Online’s first $1,000,000 dollar battle, that will dwarf the size of the famous battle four years ago. This battle will be occurring tomorrow at roughly 20:00 UTC (3 pm US Eastern). Since plenty of you gamers enjoy reading about the crazy people who play EVE Online, I’ve decided to type up a simple guide to the battle happening tomorrow as well as the unbelievable events that led up to it, so you can continue to read about EVE from a safe distance.

A super basic guide to EVE Combat:

EVE combat really isn’t that hard to understand if you’ve ever played even just a few video games and understand basic video game concepts. EVE has many many ship classes, divided into three main groups: subcapital, capital, and super capital. But there are really only two that matter: Titans (the biggest super capital class), and Force-Auxiliary Carriers (the only capital class ship that can efficiently heal capital and super capital ships). Titans are the best ships in the game because they have the largest hitpoint pool by a large margin and they do the most damage. Titans are also the most expensive ships in the game by a large margin, which is why two sides with lots of titans rarely fight each other, and when they do it tends to make the news. The big fight that happened in 2014 that I mentioned above is the last time that two real titan fleets faced off against each other. In that battle, each side fielded roughly 80 titans, with the losing side losing 59 titans and the winning side losing 16 titans. Tomorrow, each side will field over 250 titans, and likely 1,000 support capitals and super capitals. The story of how the game went from a 100 titan battle to a 500 titan battle in 4 years, with no big battles in between, is truly amazing and worth reading for even the most casual observers, but before I get into that here’s a brief aside on why all the news media like to quote EVE battles in $$ values (hint: for clicks, but it’s technically accurate).

How did $300,000 get destroyed four years ago? And why is this a $1,000,000 battle?

Though a majority players are content to just pay the monthly subscription and play the game, EVE Online has a convenient method for calculating the conversion rate of in-game currency (called ISK, I’m going to use ISK from now on) to real world currency because it allows its players to buy “subscription time” and sell it on the in-game market for extra ISK. Basically, I can take $15 dollars, buy a 30 day subscription code, put that on the in-game market, and someone can use ISK to buy that game time and play the game for free. Using this, we can calculate the conversion rate for any ship or item to generate amazing headlines so the EVE players can justify how much time they all spend on this game.
Fun Fact: Just like other games with microtransactions, there are crazy people in EVE who blow stupid amounts of money on this game. Not many EVE players know this, but the current Chinese Player group (Fraternity Coalition) has had their current war funded by one guy for the last two months, and he has spent $70,000 doing that, and they’re still going to lose anyway, which is kind of hilarious.
But enough about that, let’s get to the fun part, the crazy story of how the game got to where it is today.

Why are $1,000,000 worth of nerds facing off in a battle tomorrow?

The great thing about this story is that we can pick up right where we left off in 2014. After that big giant battle, the winning side (The ClusterFuck Coalition, CFC from here on) were kings of the universe. While they didn’t own all of the space, it was clear that no one could challenge their power. Their leader, The Mittani, had built the largest and most organized online gaming organization on the internet, with an estimated member count exceeding 15,000 people, and capable of summoning over 1,000 players to login to the game at a moment’s notice. With nothing left to conquer, he decided to try and grow the CFC into something even greater. He had already started a gaming news website named after himself, so he started a Twitch channel to go along with it, and then started cozying up to people in the gaming industry. He started approaching different gaming companies and offering to bring the CFC to their game if they would give them special promotions and free ingame items, and this worked. They did this for Planetside 2 and H1Z1. The Mittani would constantly push these promotions on his members in the CFC, and for the most part this went pretty well.
Then, in late 2015, they decided to aim even higher. The Mittani had somehow gotten to know Sci-Fi author Jeff Edwards, and convinced him to write a Sci-Fi book about a war that happened in EVE Online. The Mittani was going to do a $150,000 kickstarter to pay Edward’s fee, and his media machine spun into full action to attempt to raise the money from not just the CFC, but the entire EVE Online community. There were two problems with this plan though: 1) The CFC was starting to turn on the idea of being constantly harassed for money, and 2) The war he wanted to write about was one that his side won, and The Mittani, famous among EVE players for his ego, was likely going to be the main character. The final straw was when he renamed his gaming organization to ‘The Imperium’, because ClusterFuck Coalition wasn’t advertiser friendly. The events surrounding the failed kickstarter are immortalized in one of /eve’s greatest post
The EVE community was ready to revolt, but it took the richest person in EVE Online to get them all together into a cohesive coalition capable of defeating The Imperium/CFC. That person was Lenny, who ran a wildly successful casino website where players could use ISK to play. Bank Rolled with virtually infinite money, the newly formed Moneybadger Coalition absolutely steamrolled the Imperium in a few months, taking every single piece of land they owned. The Imperium retreated out of their territory, and most of the Moneybadger Coalition was content to let them run away, satisfied that if the Imperium ever threatened again that Lenny would be there to throw money at the problem.Rock Paper Shotgun wrote a good summary of the war
Then, the CS:GO Gambling scandal happened, and the company that makes EVE Online, CCP, became scared that lawsuits could start coming their way if they continued to allow a giant casino website to run using in game money. This was exacerbated by the Imperium publicly whining and complaining about the casino website for weeks, until CCP made an announcement. The announcement declared that gambling was no longer allowed with ISK, and that they had identified one player who was trading ISK for real life currency against the rules. Though Lenny still denies it and no concrete evidence was ever provided, Lenny was banned from the game and all of his in game assets frozen. Moneybadger's bank disappeared in a single day.
It was August 2016 by the time the dust settled, nearly 10 months after the failed kickstarter, and the galaxy slid into a semblance of peace. But The Mittani swore revenge (publicly on his twitch channel), and what followed was the game’s greatest arms race, with the Imperium/CFC and the former Moneybadger forces each building massive super capital fleets. Over the past few months the Imperium has been hinting at a major invasion, even feigning a few attacks north into Moneybadger space. But that time is now over. Suddenly and without warning, the Imperium turned a harmless border skirmish into a full scale invasion, catching the Moneybadger forces with their pants down. Tomorrow is the first decisive battle of this new war, it could potentially dwarf the famous battle from four years ago.

So what will actually happen?

In all likelihood? Nothing. And it’s at this point that I must reveal the reason for typing this post. You may be thinking, “Wow, EVE has a really engaged community for someone to take the time to type up a post like this”, but oh how naive you are. The purpose of this post is to point out that the fleet commanders on both sides of this battle are nothing but complete cowards.
I’ll tell you exactly what’s going to happen. The Mittani will hype his people up for hours, and the Moneybadger people will do the same. Then their fleet commanders will get their fleets onto the field of battle and place them into their “safe zones” that they’ve setup for themselves (it’s a dumb new game mechanic). Then, they will stare at each other for literally hours, and send out NPC drones that they barely control that mostly do nothing, while leaving all of their Titans in complete safety. They will then each make up a bunch of excuses, declare the other side as “cowardly” for not directly charging into their defensive position, and tell everyone to log off from the game. Don’t believe me? Everyone in EVE knows this, even the players involved in tomorrow’s battle. I’m serious, here was the top post on /eve for most of today from a group within the Imperium
Don’t let these people tell you it’s “the game’s fault that they can’t fight each other”, it’s no one’s fault but their own. I’m just hoping that both sides don’t end up staring at their computer screens for 8 hours tomorrow doing nothing, but that all depends on the fleet commanders.
submitted by CSMprogodlegend to gaming [link] [comments]

A Guide to Free Cash Offers

I wanted to write up a little guide on how to quickly earn free cash. So far I've earned 9,644 and counting, so it's going pretty well.
I'm adding a date for any of them that I'm adding as I go through more so you can find the new ones.
General Tips and Thoughts
I'm only doing offers that don't require you to pay or give out your address. All of the "Take this survey!" offers I've tried have required a home address.
When installing a game make sure you follow the link inside the offer in JWA, and immediately install it from the playstore page that pulls up. All of my rewards have come through within minutes.
Also, the amount of cash rewarded can vary a great deal for different players and isn't even consistently proportional. For example, I received 3428 cash for a Final Fantasy XV that another player would only get 541 cash for. So the "Value" rankings are based on the effort and cash for me specifically in Oregon in the US. Kudos to u/bluesteel3000 for the info.
Final Fantasy XV 3528 cash -- Level 10 citadel
Strategy Build lots of stone producing buildings, and about 1/2 as many metal producing buildings. Also build a few banks to produce gil. Research instant building completion. Upgrade what's needed for the citadel, ignore the rest of the game unless it gives you free stuff (like casino and quests).
Time to complete A few days. You'll need to log in for a few minutes repeatedly to queue buildings.
Value High. That's a ton of cash.
Lords Mobile 1612 cash -- Level 11 Castle
Strategy Queue the buildings needed for the castle. Complete free quests and use instant resource items when needed for buildings. Research construction speed if you feel like it.
Time to complete A few days. You'll need to log in repeatedly to queue buildings.
Value High. A lot of cash. I actually played the rest of the game for fun while I was at it. One of the more entertaining ones.
Forge of Empires 336 cash -- Thatched House
Strategy Research the requirements for the thatched house.
Time to complete Go through the tutorial, then log off for half a day. When you log back in you should be able to immediately research and build the thatched house.
Value High. This one only requires two log ins, and is probably the best time-to-cash ratio one I've completed.
Idle Heroes 392 cash -- Player level 40
Strategy Progress until you're getting about 10 xp per 5 seconds. Log back in in about 24 hours and collect all the accumulated XP.
Time to complete Only requires a little bit of playing upfront, then just logging in once or twice a day or two later.
Value High. Very little active time required.
Portal Quest 280 cash -- Team Level 10
Strategy Level up your characters. Click on the buildings and quests for free stuff and equip items.
Time to complete One login, 30 minutes to an hour.
Value High. Pretty easy to complete for a bit of cash.
King of Avalon 196 cash -- Level 5
Strategy Follow the tutorial for a little while, then go straight for leveling up your castle.
Time to complete A few logins, not much active time.
Value Medium. Not too long to complete, not much cash.
Coin Master 616 cash -- Complete Village Level 2 (i.e. get to village level 3)
Strategy This game has no strategy.
Time to complete About a day. A few logins of grinding that big ol' lottery spinner.
Value Medium. Reasonable amount of cash, reasonable amount of time, but a really painful game to have to play.
Alliance: Heroes of the Spire 560 cash -- Level 10 Hero
Strategy Do the main quest until it gets too difficult, then do the extra stage areas, and back to main quest.
Time to complete A few hours of gameplay, a few log ins.
Value Medium. Good amount of cash, not too much effort.
New 6/18; Tap to Riches 313 cash -- Purchase Kickback Bank
Strategy Spend a few minutes holding down the "build" buttons. Then log off for 8+ hours. Rinse and repeat.
Time to complete You can complete this with very little active time if you're patient and don't click the empty lot to generate money. It's better to log off and come back!
Value Medium if you only play for short sessions.
New 6/18; Disney Heroes 168 cash -- Team level 7
Strategy Just play.
Time to complete One to two hours.
Value Medium. Pretty easy and quick to accomplish.
New 6/18; Monster Legends 123 cash -- Level 10
Strategy Just play the game.
Time to complete A couple hours spread across a couple sessions.
Value Medium-low. Not much cash, but doesn't take too long.
Summoners War 1400 cash -- Beat Level 9 Faimon Volcano
Strategy You have to build a strong balanced team. Depends on what heroes you get.
Time to complete This game requires a lot of fighting and leveling up your characters and unlocking new areas.
Value Medium-low. A lot of cash, but takes a lot of time to complete. Game is relatively fun, until you realize it's disgustingly P2W like every game on this list (and JWA itself ...)
Legendary Game of Heroes 560 cash -- Player level 20
Strategy Get in an okay guild. Use the guild characters in your fights for a super-powered assist. Power up a bunch of characters in one or two colors and try to match massive matches of those colors.
Time to complete This game requires a few hours and a few log ins.
Value Medium-low. I enjoyed this one, or it wouldn't have been worth the time it took.
New 6/18; Vikings: War of Clans 750 cash -- Palace level 10
Strategy Build resource production buildings.
Time to complete Took 5 days with multiple short logins per day.
Value Medium-low. A good amount of cash, but takes a long time.
Homescapes / Gardenscapes etc. low amounts of cash -- Install and open or tutorial
Strategy I couldn't complete the tutorials, but u/Wolvenna said they didn't take long, so YMMV.
Value Medium-low. Good for a quick little cash boost.
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! 111 cash -- Level 8
Strategy Follow the tutorial, do the main quest.
Time to complete This game took a few hours and a couple logins.
Value Low. The game was reasonably fun, but a bad time to cash ratio.
New 6/18; Brutal Age 616 cash -- Level 12 Stronghold
Strategy Build up a good sized army to hunt resources with. Hunt the resources you need, do all the free quests.
Time to complete Still in progress, but a week+ of frequent logins and many hours.
Value Super low. Do this one if you like the game or are desperate for cash.
Board Kings 190 cash -- Finish Level 2
Value None. Doesn't work. I got to level 3 and never got the reward.
New 6/18; Mafia City 840 cash -- Level 10 mansion + other requirements
Strategy Do the main quest things, unlock the babe, build a lot of resource production buildings and upgrade them.
Time to complete This one did not redeem for me. I've submitted a ticket with screen shots but no response yet. It took me 5+ days and many logins.
Value None. Doesn't work.
New 6/18; Konami Slots 644 cash -- Level 15
Strategy This felt a lot like real slot machines. You start out with a lot of money, and before long you have no money and have to pay real money for the chance of winning more money.
Time to complete I think I would've had to pay real money? I gave up.
Value Why did I even try this thing?
Alright, that's all I've completed for now! Might update this later with other games. Currently trying out Mafia City (Hello half-naked ladies and lots of bullet riddled bodies).
submitted by coraythan to JurassicWorldAlive [link] [comments]

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